The future is always about moving forward, regardless of if whether its bright or dim – we believe in your aspirations. At BHC we accommodate your future giving you room to grow, whether its to expand your home or use your property to increase your cash flow. When we build our houses we leave...

Benefits of BHC Properties
We cater to your needs
Some like it hot, some like it cold, all shapes and sizes BHC is there for your need. BHC properties range from low cost housing to luxury doubles story units; we cover all accommodation needs and wants. Some like flats, some like town houses, some want stand-alone houses, some start big other...
Have Peace of mind
BHC is one of the oldest and most reputable organisations in the country. In today’s competitive environment, some have malicious intentions to rob you off your hard earned money. When you buy/rent property in the private market you run the risk of being defrauded by agents under false pretense...
You don’t need to do the dirty work
Positive Yield
Cash flow is about comparison between your expense and your income. We offer properties that are situated where people want to rent – renters choice. To maximize on investment and ensure return on investment where leasing out your property is an option to drive positive yield, you want to...
Excellent service and relationship building is key in our offerings
We don’t just give you a house, we offer neighborhoods
No man is an island; It takes a village to raise a child. These are adages that BHC has taken to heart understanding that no one is meant to live alone. Botswana’s landscape is built on communities of traditional kgotlas and wards; BHC carries that in its development plan to set up neighborhoods...
Location! Location!
Our homes are located in prime areas. When you invest in property location is key. BHC properties are located in prime areas within close proximity to public amenities such clinics, schools and other local centres.
Opportunities to rent or buy?
BHC has a national footprint
City, town, villages, BHC is there. While most real estate companies centre their development in urban areas, we look at your needs. You can work in the city but everyone ends up going home, looking to live in the country side even if its on weekends. Our offices are within close proximity to...
BHC Offers fully serviced property
We provide fully serviced homes/property with water, electricity, sewerage, roads, etc. Our houses are ready for occupation upon purchase or signing of the lease agreement. When investing in property its more than the four walls; Does the property have water, electricity, roads, street lights,...