Corporate Governance

“Effective corporate governance is an essential prerequisite to sustainable business performance. Companies that operate with integrity at all times will maintain the trust of their investors, customers and other important stakeholders.”

The Board’s Governance and Structure

BHC is governed by a Board whose members are appointed by the Minister of Lands and Housing by powers bestowed on him by Parliament through Botswana Housing Corporation (BHC) Act (Cap 74:02). The board is led by the Chairperson and must comprise of at least seven and not more than ten members. The roles of the Chairperson and the Chief Executive Officer are separate, and the composition of the Board ensures a balance of authority precluding any one director from exercising unfettered powers of decision making. The Board is assisted in fulfilling its responsibilities by the following sub-committees:

  • Finance and Audit Committee
  • Human Resources Committee
  • Board Tender Committee

The responsibility for the implementation and monitoring of corporate governance within BHC rests with the Board, which is assisted by the above-mentioned sub-committees.

Board Charter

The Board operates in terms of a formal charter which is reviewed and adopted annually, the purpose of which is to regulate the conduct of its business in accordance with sound corporate governance principles. The objectives of the Charter are to ensure that all directors acting on BHC’s behalf are aware of their duties and responsibilities and the legislation and regulations affecting their conduct. Furthermore, it seeks to ensure that sound corporate governance principles are applied in all dealings by directors in respect of and on behalf of BHC. The Charter sets out the specific responsibilities to be discharged by the directors collectively and individually. Each Committee of the Board has its own charter which outlines it responsibilities.