Corporate Social Responsibility
Botswana Housing Corporation engages in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives as a way of giving back to the community. This is in line with one of our Corporate Values; which is Botho. The value calls upon the Corporation and its employees to restore dignity through the provision of affordable housing and other corporate social responsibility initiatives.
The Corporation’s intentions are also in line with the National Vision 2016 and its pillars of being:-
- A Prosperous, Productive and Innovative Nation
- An Educated, Informed Nation
- A Safe and Secure Nation
- A Compassionate, Just and Caring Nation
- An Open, Democratic and Accountable Nation
- A Moral and Tolerant Nation
- A United and Proud Nation
The Corporation supports nongovernmental organizations and other persons or bodies of any nature towards the upliftment and advancement of communities in the Republic of Botswana through:-
- Donations of whatsoever nature aimed at promoting the living conditions of communities in Botswana
- Volunteer services aimed at uplifting the living standards of communities
- Promotion of social issues pertaining living standards and incidental matters and support for behavioral change to achieve the best standards of human dignity in the living environment
- Conducting research into the status and wellbeing of the bodies, persons and facilitation of aid and support to such bodies and persons
- Participating in the promotion of shelter, conservation of the environment, the arts, cultural and sports programs associated with the uplifment on communities, particularly in relation but not limited to such of the programs referred as those carried out within the Corporation’s estates and housing management areas.
- Providing training and support to deserving persons in the fields of estate management and planning, engineering and any other field of study which may add value to the attainment of the objects set out herein
- Collaborating and partnering with other organizations with similar objectives
- Such further purpose within the general objects of this policy as the Corporation may deem fit
Areas of focus
- Education
- Health Care
- Environment
- Social Empowerment
- Sports and Culture
- Generation of Employment
- Infrastructure Support- the Corporation will endeavor to assist where possible with the construction, repair, extension etc of the following:
- Educational institutions
- Bridges, Culverts and Roads
- Community centres and other buildings
- Development of parks
- Playground or sports complex
- Grant, donation, financial assistance/sponsorship to reputable NGO’s of the society/locality doing or involved in upliftment of the standard of the society
- Miscellaneous – collection of old clothes from employees and distribute them in rural areas.