Welcome to BHC
Botswana Housing Corporation is a parastatal under the Ministry of Water and Human Settlement. The Corporation was established by an Act of Parliament (CAP 74.03) of 1971. In brief, the Corporation’s mandate as outlined under section 14 of the BHC Act is as follows:-
a) To provide for the housing, office and other building needs of the government and local authorities;
b) To provide for and to assist and to make arrangements for other persons to meet the requirements of paragraph (a).
c) To undertake and carry-out and to make arrangements for other persons to undertake and carry-out building schemes in Botswana.
Effective from 1st April 2012, the Corporation’s mandate has been expanded in accordance with Presidential Directive Cab 20 (B)/2010. The directive pronounced that all Government housing implementation programmes be transferred to BHC to operate as Government’s Single Housing Authority (SiHA). In compliance with the directive, BHC is as from 1st April 2012 responsible for the construction of turnkey SHHA projects as well as District Housing and other housing programmes pronounced by government from time to time such as the Public Housing Initiative and Youth Housing Initiative.