Strategic Planning
Botswana Housing Corporation (BHC) was established by an Act of Parliament No. 75 of 1970. BHC is under the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing Development. The BHC is mandated:
a) to provide for the housing, office and other building needs of the Government and local authorities;
b) to provide for, and to assist and to make arrangements for other persons to meet the requirements of paragraph (a);
c) to undertake and carry out, and to make arrangements for other persons to undertake, and carry out building schemes in Botswana.
The core activities of the Corporation centre around property development and management (sales, leasing and maintenance) and project management services. In 2010, the Government, through a Presidential Directive, declared BHC a Single Housing Authority (SiHA) under the umbrella of the BHC Act. This declaration transformed the Corporation into an organisation where all public sector housing initiatives and programmes are consolidated and implemented as directed and/or prioritized by Government. This effectively broadened the scope of the Corporation’s mandate. However, the Corporation continues to build houses for sale to the public in order to support citizen home ownership outside of the Government housing programmes.
The Corporation’s two-year Transitional Performance Plan is for the financial years 2023/2024 and 2024/2025. It is premised on the analysis and engagement processes undertaken the strategic retreat at the end of the last six-year strategy.
The Transitional Performance Plan aims to support the Corporation as it continues to re-position itself to drive growth that is both societally and financially sustainable. The Corporation, therefore, looks beyond inputs and outputs to outcomes and impact. This will be achieved through continued enhancement of internal controls and management as well as reassured relationship with Government and key stakeholders. The plan, therefore, serves as the foundation for effective discharging of the Corporation’s mandate and reclaiming its position as a role model in the property development arena.
As part of the formulation of the plan, the process validated and reaffirmed the strategic foundations, strategic assumptions, and priority areas to determine Corporation’s strategic fit.